Shrewsbury Light Orchestra


President Tom Kaye 01743 850722
Chairman Pat Evans 01743 362684
Secretary Pat Evans 01743 362684
Treasurer Fran Bumpus 01743 351533
Conductor Peter Road-Night 01743 872027
Leader Sheila Thompson 01743 363320
Committee Members Jane Annette 01588 650210
Lynn Comerford
Nigel Chard
Eleanor Roberts
Website David Pearce 01743 891620

There are vacancies on the Committee

If you cannot contact the person concerned, any of the others will be able to pass on your message

Links to other websites

Shrewsbury Symphony Orchestra.

Ludlow Orchestra.

Telford Orchestra.

Amateur Orchestras - Heart of England.

The Light Music Society.

Virtual Shropshire.     A site all about Shropshire, What's on, Where to stay, Where to go, etc.

Where Can We Go    A site listing events in Shropshire and all over the country

Making Music logo Shrewsbury Light Orchestra is a member of Making Music, which represents and supports amateur performing and promoting societies throughout the UK.


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