Shrewsbury Light Orchestra


Annual General Meeting

The 2023 Annual General Meeting was held on Friday 28 April 2023 after the evening rehearsal, about 30 members present with some apologies for non attendance. In summay the Minutes of the 2022 AGM were approved and the Chairman's report was received. The Treasurer's report was accepted after some discussion. The existing officers and the committee members were re-elected en bloc and there were 2 vacancies for committee members but no volunteers were forthcoming to fill those vacancies.

Please note that this is a short summary of what took place and is NOT the official Minutes of the meeting. They will be produced by The Secretary in due course and made available to members.

The 2022 Annual General Meeting was held on Friday 1 April 2022 at the end of the evening rehearsal. Minutes will be produced by the Secretary in due course and will be made available to members.

The 2019 Annual General Meeting was held on Friday 22 March at the end of the evening rehearsal. Minutes will be produced by the Secretary in due course and will be made available to members.

The 2017 Annual General Meeting was held on Friday 17th March at 7.30pm, before the evening rehearsal, about 30 members present with some apologies for non attendance.. In summay the Minutes of the 2016 AGM were approved and the Conductor's and Chairman's reports were received. The Treasurer's report was accepted and it was noted that the financial state of the Orchestra is sound, with slightly more money in our bank accounts than last year. The existing Officers and Committee were re-elected en bloc and there are vacancies on the committee but no volunteers were forthcoming to fill those vacancies.

Any Other Business saw thanks from Heather on behalf of the lady players to Pat for her work in sourcing and buying new blouses for the orchestra. It was suggested that new music be bought with some of the funds held, especially new Christmas Music. Members were invited to suggest music for concerts and also for new purchases, for consideration by the Music Selection Sub-Committee. It was suggested that music should be rehearsed during the summer term for the concert at Theatre Severn in October, as there is little rehearsal time before it in the autumn term.

Please note that this is a short summary of what took place and is NOT the official Minutes of the meeting. They will be produced by The Secretary in due course and made available to members.

The 2016 Annual General Meeting was held on Friday 18 March at 7.30pm before the evening rehearsal. In summay the Minutes of the 2015 AGM were approved and the Conductor's and Chairman's reports were received. The Treasurers report was accepted and it was noted that the financial state of the Orchestra is sound, with slightly more money in our bank accounts than last year. There would be no increase in subscriptions for the coming year and the Committee was asked to look at ways of using some of the money we have as well as keeping a good reserve etc. The existing Officers and Committee were relected en bloc, there were no volunteers to fill the two vacancies on the Committee.

Any other business saw yet another discussion on the matter of ladies concert wear (blouses / uniform) and it was agreed that it was not the colour at fault but the style of the current blouses. A black blouse was suggested but on a show of hands a coloured blouse was very much preferred by orchestra members. The Secretary produced an example of a different red blouse which could be made to suit all body shapes and sizes. No decision was made about that style.

It was suggested that some money could be spent on buying new music and members were invited to suggest pieces for consideration

Please note that this is a short summary of what took place and not the official Minutes! They will be produced by the Secretary in due course and made available to members.

The 2015 Annual General Meeting was held on Friday 20 March starting at 7.30pm, before the evening rehearsal. A reasonable turnout of members attended. The Chairman's report and the Conductor's report were both received and the Treasurer's Report was accepted unanimously - the Treasurer commenting that subscriptions could remain the same at £20 for now but may need to be increased next year as inter alia rehearsal room rents may increase. The incumbent Officers were re-elected, the committee members, including co-opted member Sarah Lumley, were re-elected en bloc apart from David Pearce. He decided to retire from the Committee, but agreed to continue to run the Orchestra Website. There were no volunteers to fill the vacant positions on the Committee.

The matter of ladies concert wear was brought up under any other business; the small ladies sub-committee that was formed to consider what to do reported back to the AGM but no decision was made as no alternative was suggested. It was decided to look into the matter further, put forward a viable alternative and then ballot all orchestra members. It was emphasised that it should be a ballot of all members as the appearance of the ladies in concert was important to the overall appearance of the Orchestra.

Another matter under discussion was that of the Music Selection Sub-Committee, members of which questioned it's need as to date little notice had been taken of it's recommendations other than playing through their suggested pieces at rehearsal. It was agreed that the Sub-Committee should continue and that Peter Road-Night would attend in order to assist matters as any concert programme has his final say.

Please note this is a summary of what happened at the AGM, not the official Minutes!


The Committee have to make a date for the first meeting following the AGM.